Saturday, March 20, 2010

Big Bummer~Big Blessing

Is there a Linky for this?  I'll be in the kitchen doing dishes several times a day.  Can someone do a tutorial on washing dishes by hand?  I forgot how.

As I was posting above, hubby called to say he had borrowed a loader to move a building.  He was moving it right then.  So we made a mad dash out the door a short while later to catch it on camera.  Last year at this time we thought we had a building for free.  We wanted something for a chicken coop.  Someone beat us to it.  I mean, they were driving towards us down the road as we were making it to the site where we were told to go.  I was a little frustrated about it.  But as it turns out, this one will suit us much better and is was a lot less trouble to get.  It was also free.  We are excited.  It makes up for the bummer broken dishwasher twenty times over.  More pictures can be found here on the country house blog.  Abi dug out her chicken magazines as soon as we got home. 
And here's the man that made it all happen for me.

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