Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Painting the Kitchen Floor, Finally!

I thought I'd never find the time to get this done.  But.....Husband and kids, except the big one, are at military camp.  So the house is almost empty and there's no one to cook for, for the most part.  This equals the perfect opportunity and possibly my ONLY opportunity.  I wasn't scheduled to work either.  Small miracle, I tell ya!

At this point my back and legs are killing me and the dog was really wondering why he couldn't wander the house like always.  Above I'm standing in the kitchen nook looking toward where the stove should be.

You can see the very warn path and where the stove used to be back a year and half ago.  Things just take me too long!  The fridge goes there now. 

Proof that we are still eating well, whatever we can grill.  If you can't tell, this is shrimp, yellow and orange peppers and stuffed jalapenos.  We had it with alvacado and tortillas.

Another before shot.  Looks like this was the scrub and patch mode!  More tomorrow!

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