Thursday, May 19, 2011

something unexpected

I'm joining the Frugalicious Friday party at Finding Fabulous blog today, go check it out.
I was unexpectedly blessed while garage saleing a few weeks back!  I've been wanting feather pillows for my couch for a    l--o--n--g     time.  I looked up some prices and they were ONLY $50 each!  OK.....waiting on that one......
So, a friend invited me to a nearby citywide garage sale outing.  I could have easily done without spending a dime that day, but jumping at the chance to chat it up with a friend, I went just for that.  I found not just a couple, but 5 in all! 
I was actually having a hard time believing I actually found 5!  The first 3 were amazing enough.  The fabrics for these slipcovers was something I had laying around for years.  Not to mention that it all looks great with my shabby green shutter with picture!  perfect


Ever feel like GOD is just blessing you?  with things that matter to you?  I mean I didn't mention lots of other goodies, like my 25 cent new favorite shirt.......... So I got the 5 pillows for $7, the fabric I used I'm guessing was around $10-$15 dollars, I had one of the zippers and my MIL got me the other 4 for Mother's day! So for sure~less than $25 dollars for 5 nice feather pillows and washable slip covers.  wee!
While the fellas in the household didn't understand my excitment about feather pillows;  they do admit that they are comfortable.

this is the before-before picture

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