Monday, October 1, 2007


We have two cats, they both live in the house. Arthur, the big boy cat, is really an indoor-outdoor cat. He is lazy . Ginger, the small girl cat, is not. She likes to purr in your face when you're trying to sleep. She rubs on your face and her little fangs get in your ears. I really like to dress Ginger up in doll clothes, Arthur is much too fat for that. Arthur is the darker cat on the left in the picture. We love our cats!


Erica said...

They're pretty cats, Abi! Ginger must look really pretty when she's all dressed up! Does she ever sleep in the box you made that's in the playroom?

Krissy said...

Abi, I know what you mean about them getting up in your face at night! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!